Yours Truly

Yours Truly
Janet Fauble at home

Saturday, June 29, 2013

Dare I try a third entry today?

These last two weeks have been harsh and weary,
My cat is becoming downright scarey,
He throws fits and tantrums enough to make me scream,
I pick him up while he snarls and hisses,
This is really a nightmare, not a bad dream,
But I finally console him with many kisses.

I contemplated his death today,
Believing that he is wishing it somehow,
Finally decided that to neuter is a better way,
Wondering if he will settle down now.

The summer heat is making me stay indoors
Using air conditioning and fan to cool the room,
Drinking lots of lemony tea instead of a bottle of Coors,
Watching my flowers come into bloom.

If this is spring, what will summer be?
I dare not ask for surely I will find
That spring has been skipped you see
Or was it winter to be so kind?

Summer Heat

Believe me, it is hot today. I did go out in it for a few minutes but mostly have stayed indoors. I did get a lot of house cleaning accomplished in all of this.  I am still working on getting rid of lots of excess paperwork that I no longer need in my life. I am such a schmuck, saving everything but it was always with the thought that in my old age I might want to review and remember all of this stuff. Now it is just clutter but I do like to remember it and it is a good thing to do that.

I have really seen changes in my cellphones since I have wifi in the apartment.  The computer is so much more fun now that I don't have to stick in modem, watch how many hours I spend, and so finally I can really use my computer to its fullest capacity.

I will still use the modem if and when I go out somewhere where I cannot get wifi.  That is its purpose.

What a time I have been having though with all this communication systems snarl and mess.  I am dealing with so many different companies that it is not funny.  I talked with two different men at Verizon using two different stores.   My neighbor turned out to be a great friend to me and insisted that I talk to a second Verizon man to learn what had happened. I have it on my gmail exactly what happened but fortunately when I talked with the representatives on the phone they were understanding and nice about it all.

Why I am writing all this now.  First of all, if it helps someone else, good, and secondly, it is to remind me of my weaknesses and strengths.

It is very easy to be duped by people today, even in reputable business places.  Most of the time, the people with whom we work are fair, honest, and self respecting but once in a while we meet up with a glib and arrogant personality...that seemed to happen to me when this technician tried to push me into a service that I did not want.

My broadband works for my cellphone too so I use it  a lot but now that I have the wifi I think that is operating the cellphones more than the 4G is doing.  And once in a while, 4G turns into 3G.  A real mess.  Century Link is taking over both accounts. I can deal with that.

Continuation of television story

Well, Alex and Bobby, the service men and delivery men who know how to install t.v.'s came to inspect the television set, and found that they could do nothing with it either.  They decided to call the store to learn if there is a t.v.  in inventory. I knew that there was but said nothing...not a good thing to tell everything that you know but I knew that there were two more because the salesman had told me when I bought this one.

Sure enough, they had two in stock.  So one of the two will make its way here on either tomorrow or Monday, depending upon which day I suppose that they think they can drive up to Scottsdale again.

I give them credit. They were courteous and considerate, giving me phone calls and being respectful and thoughtful. I like these two men very much.  Thank you.

So next installment after new t.v. is delivered.  The same thing happened while they were here except for the noise. I didn't try to make that happen by changing channels. i changed one time only from CNN to History Channel.  No noise in that operation.

Chapter to follow coming up after they bring in new t.v. hopefully in the box.

Two weeks of communication systems misery

When it rains it pours syndrome is happening to me.  I bought the t.v. and had it installed.  It is now a problem for me after having wifi installed yesterday afternoon.  The wifi was supposed to have been installed last Monday but we surely had a lot of problems with that.  The dsl did not work properly so I had to call customer service. As it turns out, I would not have been able to do it all myself.  Eventually, the time arrived when the technicians arrived to solve the problem  They arrived at exactly 2:00.

I did not have to install a new phone jack because they tested it to see what was wrong and were able to repair it immediately...after some lapse of time but immediate in the sense of on that day.  So then once we could see that the thing was functioning they were going to hit the road fast but I said wait, I want you to help me to activate it.  As so far, it was not activated.  Michelle, the female in the pair, said that she could not read my computer so she would have to get her own.  The installation and activation process was a serious problem so that she had to install and activate it with her computer as the password that was on the modem did not function properly. As soon as she saw it, she said, No, she meaning me, can't do it. I will have to do it. So she took over and began the activation process.  She set it up and got it to running.

You won't believe it but now that my cellphones are on wifi the Samsung Galaxy is now performing totally differently than it had before.  Things are beginning to work on it that had not worked previously. WTF?

So then I tried to set up the wifi on the t.v. but one last final step I did incorrectly and it has been pandemonium ever since.  I just hit the wrong button and now I am having serious trouble with the t.v. I have unplugged it until someone comes to repair it and to get it working as it should.

Prior to this time I had had no problems at all with it, but now it is on a self timer of some kind with flashing lights.   The problem is that it stops and starts every two or three minutes which is very annoying.  Also there is a horrible sound like fluttering loudly coming from it at times when making channel changes.  I hate that!

So I sent a letter to Fry's to the manager David Keith explaining the problem. They are supposed to respond within 24 hours.  That means a telephone call to me.

The problem is that the Sony remote does not work properly at all. Probably needs new batteries but it is a problem and dead batteries is a sure sign that something is not right at that store in my opinion.

The other problem is that I can only get around by bussing and the Tempe area bus services are under negotiations so that if things don't go well this weekend, a strike may occur on Monday of this week. Making it literally impossible to get to Tempe on Monday.  I will have to go either today or tomorrow.

The heat only adds to all this misery.  But this is what a wreck of a week we have had thus far...all due to wifi and installation and activation.

But at last I can use my computer and cell phones readily and handily. I bet it won't be long before the t.v. is fully operable and working fine too.  Hope so anyway.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Summarizing past week's Supreme Court decision

The Supreme Court has thrown out a part of DOMA (Defense of Marriage Act) and also overturned Proposition 8 in California.  This means that gays are now considered equal in status to heterosexuals in the act of marriage legally.  Any specific rights pertaining to a man and woman now apply as well to a man and man or woman and woman marriage.  So already in California this afternoon gays began to get married in civil courts.

What does this mean?  This means that the USA recognizes the validity of long term relationships between members of the same sex so that they can have legal benefits.  Whether any of these can be retroactive is something that has yet to be addressed. I would rather imagine not.

Catholic bishops have called this decision an American tragedy.  The real tragedy is the fact that the bishops cannot honor the consitution which clearly states that separation of church and state means that no single religious body can control the government of the USA.  The Church is designed to guide and teach, but not dictate or rule.  The United States was created with freedom of religious belief so that one can even live in the USA without a practicing religious belief and be protected by law.

Civil law is what governs the USA, not religious bodies.  The Supreme Court fortunately did make the right decision.  It ruled that the USA is a nation that does acknowledge two different sexual lifestyles so that each is protected by legal process.

It is sad to think that the Church of Jesus Christ would become a tyrannical body instead of a spiritually developing body.  I do not concur with gays that because Jesus did not state anything about homosexuality that that means that he had no opinions or beliefs about it. I believe that the written word of the Bible is probably distorted and often incorrect in many ways.  It is likely that homosexuality was addressed at the time, as it is a topic that is addressed in the old testament so that modern day preachers try to use old testament statements as the cause and reason to be against homosexual behaviour.

Jesus does describe the state of marriage as that between man and woman. He does not say between man and man or woman and woman but clearly between that of man and woman.  St. Paul goes even further in his addresses to his following, explaining how man and woman should treat one another.  So there is no doubt that marriage was considered an act between man and woman. Jesus also goes further to state when asked about who is married to who in Heaven that there is no such thing as marriage in Heaven.  In the resurrection, all will be like the angels, unmarried.  No such thing as marriage in Heaven.

But governments that are made to be independent and free can create a society in which homosexuals as well as heterosexuals can marry and be equal to one another in terms of the law.  The state cannot determine whether it is sinful or not.  That is the role of the Church.

To be perfect, Jesus suggested to a rich man that he sell all his goods and give to the poor.  I would imagine that just as he advices Mary Magdalene to sin no more, he probably addressed the act of homosexuality.  For some reason it appears not to appear in any written text of the new testament.

I honestly believe that some people who are honest know that they are not suited for a long term relationship with anyone so that they choose not to marry. I do not see any acts of congress or of the court that address the laws applicable to spinsters or bachelors.  Without the push, nothing will ever change for these people who may be angels unawares, or angels aware.

So be it.

What a Day!

Finally, Century Link came to install the wifi connection.  I met two very nice people who did finally get my wifi connection set up for me. I am not sure yet how I feel about this entire thing since it is so new to me.  But what a wonderful feeling to sit here to write this post instead of having to put a modem in and have to feel as though I must sit at the table, fearing that I could break the stick modem.  They are very expensive to replace.

At any rate, the pair arrived at 2:00 and luckily did not need to put in a telephone jack so that no wiring was needed but other problems ensued that they alone could handle.  At last, Michelle brought her own computer in to set up the activation process as she could not read the small type that is on my computer.  Then she noticed that I could not possibly set up the activation process myself so she set it up for me.  It is working at last and I can use not only the computer but the cell phones and the t.v. now.

The t.v. is another problem. I did get through all but the last step in the process and now I am suffering great difficulties on the t.v. now. I will have to call Fry's to have some technician come up to see about it, and I am convinced that I need a new remote. It just simply does not work right at all.  And I remember well that the salesman told me that the remote is covered by the warranty as well. Which is making me think that something was probably known to them about the remote so that he at least gave me a clue in his statement. Can't say that that is so but it is not operating correctly at all, and I don't think it is the batteries but if so, why weren't brand new batteries put in this thing. I am taking it with me when I go to Fry's tomorrow to make certain that someone does come up to repair this thing.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Computer tales

Oh dear, what a time, but all is going fine right now.  I did finally learn that I did not lose any apps and my "teacher" whose name is Bernard helped me to finally learn the truth about what had happened to my apps.   They were all there on the second page of icons.  What an idiot!  I realized right away what had happened.  Why it took so long to have to learn it all from Bernard is more than I can know but so it goes.  Roll with the punches.

So I made a long time to do two things at apple next time I go for my one to one as I am also joining a group session a half hour later.  That should make an interesting beginning for July.  I am taking all next week off so that I have time to do some other things that need addressed.

Anyway, I learned how to fill my calendar, changed my password, and learned a new system to recheck my passwords should I forget them.   What a cool system this apple really is as it all turns out.  So that made me feel quite happy for all the problems that I had encountered. I am slowly learning as much as I can to make life endurable.  Bernard is at least sensible and understanding and kind enough to even answer my questions about a car.

So on July 8 I will spend three hours at apple instead of one.  I can deal with that.

My internet  connection is scheduled to be installed tomorrow around noon.  It is hotter than hades here in this region so I hope that there is little outside work to do. I had to tell management that I am putting in a new phone jack and that the guy will be here tomorrow so that I was reminded about the wiring.  I wonder how much wiring this will require.

My modem from Verizon is even working now or I would not be typing this. I had to coax it and talk to it a bit so that it finally came on. I was getting very annoyed but voila!  it is working...Hallelujah!

Monday, June 24, 2013

Continuation of Apple Computer story

It seems to me that I spent three days at Apple last week, and tonight I had to go back to get an adapter to work for my wifi and internet connection for Century Link.  I am so tired of the high tech world that it is not even remotely funny.

I did find a wonderful technician at Apple who truly was kind and capable and did install my scanner mouse for me so that I can keep documents and pictures on my computer.  His name was Joseph and a really great guy. I just checked now to see that the application is working.

 I learned so much from this past week that told me clearly to learn what each one to one person is really about before I pay any attention to him or her.  Some of the girls appear to be ignorant and stupid, while some of the men are super bright, smart, and helpful.

Today I had to go to the store to get an adaptor to get my internet connection made. That has not been done to my satisfaction yet either.  A technician is going to have to come out to put in a wall jack with good wiring so that the internet will work. I have to call them in the morning mountain time at 8:00 which is 7:00 my time...I wonder if she gave me correct advice. She sounded so familiar to me. I almost wonder what scam is going on here now.

I do believe that the telephone jack is the problem so I am happy to have a technician come out to solve the problem.  Will not share this but it is for me to recall this problem week.  I hate high tech at times.

Friday, June 21, 2013

Ongoing Computer story

Guess what! Here I am sitting at the genius bar to see my superman genius Brandon here again tonight. I do not know if he is who will be tending to my problem or not but it is reassuring to see him here now.

I can at least explain the problem so that he can solve it if he is who is going to be working with me.

This apple store is the strangest store in the world.  Sometimes people here are warm and friendly, and some are cool and frosty, depending upon what it is that you are doing.  The greeters are always friendly, but the gals with the iPad checking you in are a variety of types.

to be continued as I listen in to Brandon discussing the girl's problem.

Continuation of computer story

Well, today is a whole new day, and I have learned a lot. I brought my computer to the clubhouse where I am using wifi here. My wifi will be set up sometime next week if the modem comes in soon. I don't know what to think now.  I was told the modem would be here on Friday, but a post on the internet says that it was shipped out on Thursday, the 20th. Not likely to get here.

Another thing is that I came up to check out if this Brandon at Apple was any good at all in installing this mousescanner which I now see that he pulled a number on me.  He did not really install it at all, and I am pissed and will make another appointment with genius to see to it that it does get installed properly. That entire problem was a situation that I should maybe explain.  But I will wait it out til I see when I will next go in to solve this problem...which means for the moment I am going there and putting this on hold.

I checked out the scanner which did not work for me and I did not find any evidence of it on the launchpad.  I thought at the time he was a bit of a fasttalking Sam.  It reminds me too much of Dish.

Same sort of thing. I am tired of all this runaround crap especially coming from a reputable company like Apple.

However, he did have it working for himself but he did not set it up so that I could use it. My time is valuable too and I will remind Apple of that. Barbara, my neighbor, is a good friend to me to remind me to tell Dish that. And as far as Dish is concerned, I did call them about the free movies and he did set it up so that I can see free movies for 3 months from channels ****to ****.

More on this stuff as this blog is a kind of diary and journal for me to return to when I may need to remind myself of all that is going on.

One thing I love about this computer is that it enables me to use my own typing speed which is FAST.


I am trying to get back to drafts.

Story on facebook made me confide some stuff

There was a story about a soldier and a few bunnies at Camp Pendleton today that motivated me to open up on facebook about my past state of deprivation.  I am angry about many things as I had mentioned earlier that the anger in me is hotter than that of current forest fires racing through the Western States.

However, since during the time that I have had little income at all I have had spiritual revelations about myself that have opened up the truth to me about myself so that I equate wealth and poverty with spirituality much more seriously than even St. Augustine or St. Francis of Assisi have done. I do value and appreciate the background of the new Pope for his sincerity to the cause of St. Francis and even that of Jesus.

I do believe that it is because I had no income of any kind that I was benefitted spiritually and my spiritual powers came to be for me to understand. Of course, I am wondering at how recent events are affecting those same powers as I am always aware of their presence and their impact on me.

As time goes by, I will delve into this more but for the time being I have been having to deal with materialism on a scale of computers and television that puts me into the world of excess greed and avarice so that I am watching carefully my every step as well.

More on this later, since I now have to get ready to confront apple genius groups again.  He was a bad ass it turns out in my opinion at the moment because he did something that I will discuss with another person there to learn what the heck is going on in that group.

Continuation of Computer posts

I had begun a post here to interrupt it to make an appointment with a genius person at Apple again today.  I think I was scammed yesterday at Apple and so want to make it corrected today. The guy whose name is Brandon did impress me in that he did get the mousescanner to work but he pulled some shit on me that I do not like. I will not call him Jeb Bush but he said one thing to me that made me think of Jeb.  He married a Mexican.  Somehow or other that information made me think of Jeb and I know that Jeb character wise would not do to me what this guy did but the fact that he made such a point of his wife being Mexican from Chicago is something I do not ignore.  I will pursue this further later but for now this is all I will say. I have made another appointment to go to Apple this afternoon at 6:00 to see another genius. The first one Richard did not show so Jeff said that he would do it but then Brandon came in and began to take over so that Jeff did not do it...what was up about that is more than I can know but later that evening one of the founders of Apple was on Piers Morgan.  Coincidence? I frankly doubt it.  But anyway, today I am finding that Brandon may have looked as though he was installing it and it did work partially for him but some of the info did not come up so that I think he was pulling a number. I will make them regret that as I intend to get this settled today. Period.

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Barnes and Noble

This is a bit of a continuation of yesterday's computer entry.  I just arrived at Kierland Commons to make my genius bar appt. at Apple for my computer. I came to B&N to check out books, found one that interests me now, and to work on computer before going to Apple to get help.

Will explain all this when it is accomplished but for now the trip here was intriguing.  Spotted a white Lamborghini convertible whose photo I had to take. It was sitting in front of Victoria's Secret store and I took two photos of it. Am car hunting. Wondering who it is that owns that fantastic car.

Then found Little Elvises a book called the Junior Pender series written by Timothy Hallinan, making sure I remember this as the first chapter has snared me to see what is next.

The children are playing in the water fountains in the middle of the court.  I was bemoaning lost childhood this morning. I am in a snit today.

I had had a meeting with my banker earlier this week. I have to read all the material that she gave me. I did not tell her about my expected income opportunities.  I keep a lot of things to myself.  I have just put in a new t.v. service and lo and behold to my surprise, it will help me to accomplish my goals. I learned so much already now from just this satellite dish that makes me furious that I had not known about it sooner.  But never too late. I can make hay while the sun shines, Nellie.

I am angry at society and my entire life process right now. I have so many fires burning in me when I recall all the things that have happened that it is not even funny.  I am hotter than any forest fire, and I am trying to decide how I will deal with all of this as I think about it.

But I always tend to put the anger things in the back while I work on the important get to it now things that need to be addressed so that I can get on with my life.  Right now those are the computer and the t.v. and internet connections that will take place this week. All one thing at a time as I am at the age where that is all that I need to handle in a single day.

I have a great t.v. I did myself right on that score.  I have done some singularly nice things to myself for my next years however many they may be.  At least I will have a good finale to my life in terms of giving myself a good finish.

I am fed up with politics, with society, with government, with religion, with religious beliefs, and with people's foolish and mundane hopes and dreams that never get fulfilled, but always get the pollyanna look at the bright side treatment. Nothing annoys me more than false hopes and false promises.  I do believe that as we have advanced in scientific discovery we have learned enough about the constancy factor in life to know that it is all repetitive and all final.  I have gleaned things in a way that I believe in the revelations given to me so that I now perceive life in a far different way.

Example: a criticism of the North Korean dictator and his penchant for luxury items made me think of the comparison between him and Louis XIV and his grandiose ideas.  I do see that the Korean dictator, young that he is, is totally impressed with Western lifestyles and is fulfilling his own desires in a way that will cast him in a special role in history.  He is just a young kid. Louis XIV was also a young kid when he gained power. He took advantage of all his resources and built a kingdom that was truly the top and best in European history.  Can this North Korean dictator do as much for himself and his people?   I am challenging him here and now.

Will post now but will return later as I am headed for Apple store soon.  More on this drama after it happens.  I am incensed about it.

Computer Problems

I have had a strange experience with this apple computer and do not know yet what to think of it. I had packed it ready to go for a one on one session last Friday which turned into a disaster when a water bottle that I had somehow or other (and am not sure why I put it in the bag) leaked in my travel bag.  It soaked the entire bag and I quickly pulled the briefcase carrying the computer out to see if the computer would work. It did not turn on.  So as I had an appointment at Apple, I called the Apple store to talk to a technician who told me to bring it in to see what could be done.  I did as I was told.

  The odd part is that the interior of the briefcase is not wet nor are any of the papers inside water damaged.  So water did not really get inside but the computer was affected it seems. I do not understand any of it.  But I took it into the store and a man name of Craig took it back to see if there was water in it. He said that they found "puddles" of water, and gave me a bad scenario.

This story is not over. It turns out it is not as bad as it seems but it is bad nonetheless. I have made an appointment to go talk to a genius bar  person tomorrow to help me to solve some of the problems.  Verizon is really having too many problems for this to continue.  I must have apps put back on that I had had on as I was told that I could just have them downloaded.  So I need genius to help me with that.

So this story is to be continued.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Buying a new t.v.! Lordy! What an experience!

I have had such a time in the problem of buying a new t.v. I have done without a t.v. for the past four years.  I had no real need of one since I use the internet and if I want, can go up to the clubhouse to use the  one that is in the front room.  I have done that on a few occasions but it is rare that I do.  It is a nice sized one and I have enjoyed watching special events on it.  But finally, I have decided upon a special t.v. which may well last me many years. I am hoping despite buying a protection plan for three years should anything go wrong with it in that time.

What a shmuck I think to myself but heck, it is only costing $100 for delivery and installation of both t.v. and stand upon which to mount it.  And believe me, this is a great mounting stand.

The television set itself is fantastic by Sony's own description.  It is the Sony 47 inch t.v which is also a smart t.v. so that I can use the internet on it and it comes with wifi.  It means that I will have to connect to century link or cox for the internet. I am using Dish Satellite for the t.v.

But before I finally settled upon this, I had begun my shopping at BEST BUY which was a sorry experience but my own fault. I bought the cheapest one instead of the more expensive because I thought maybe I should just have a small cheap t.v. to get me through the year.  What a mistake that was.  I had to return it and did say I would be back to buy another in July.  Guess I have had to break my word on that as I then went to Sears where I found a Sony Bravia 46 inch on sale that had been a store demo and was reduced by $500.  After discussing it long and hard, I decided that I had better shop around and wait it out.

So today I finally made my way to the Tempe Fry's Electronic store to find this t.v. being discussed by a salesman and a gentleman. I liked it and so I ended up buying it thanks to a second salesman who came along to help me.  So tomorrow I pay for it and it will be on its way to be set up on Thursday morning by the Dish technicians.  The Fry group will deliver hopefully Tuesday or Wednesday and install it and set it up for me.  I will buy an antenna to hook it up to see that the t..v does work when it is brought in before the dish hookup.

Oh well, it is things like this that drive me nuts.  It used to be that all you had to do was go pick up the t.v., plug it in, and lo and behold, t.v. came in...not any more. Digital t.v. and all this high tech stuff has changed everything...So complicated.

Will have an update after all is installed. Til then, it is all anticipation!

Saturday, June 8, 2013

End of family problems

Well, after talking to Ryan Hodges, attorney at law, in Mesa, AZ., I finally got my trust problems all straightened out so that finally it is all over now.

I will not go into details here but finally I have freedom.  My brother has freedom.  That is enough for now.

Finding a t.v. and a car

Tomorrow is the Belmont Stakes. I am wanting to finally make my plan work in this betting game.  I hope to succeed enough to be able to buy a new t.v., a car, and a wig I found at PV this afternoon. I fell in love with a wig with dancing curls. I loved it, and there is another there that I liked also but now I can't be greedy, can I? Hahahaha!

I bought an Insignia t.v. at Best Buy to have to return it for full refund. I could not get it to work and it did not come with a Users Guide.  What a mess!  So I went to Sears at Paradise Valley where I studied their display of televisions and found the right size and the right make and model but it turns out that it is the only one left in that model.  It has been on the floor all this time which makes it eligible for a store discount in addition to the already greatly reduced price, but their protection plan is prohibitive in comparison to others.

I left knowing that I like that model and size best and so I will find that t.v. somewhere somehow and get it.

As I have bought at Sears for years, I became a member again.  It is ridiculous at how often we have to do this at some of these stores.  But I was reminded of when I bought a t.v. at Sears for only $222 back in 1974 and bought the insurance on it but never had to use it. They always say use it whether you need to or not, but it is a hassle to always have to have to take it in, or have someone come out to clean it up. It turns out now that they will come out to your home to clean it up for you when you buy the protection plan.

I have always hated insurance because it is always a waste of money.  I never use it.

It is just a way for insurance companies to get rich.

So anyway, tomorrow will be an offtrack again.  Muddy or sloppy as they call it.  It is anyone's guess who will win but the two already winners of the other legs are Oxbow and Orb, so they will be favorites again.   I am hoping a real longshot will win again as Oxbow had done in the Preakness.  That will be nice for a winning whopper of a trifecta or superfecta!.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Looking for a television now.

I decided I need a t.v. so I went shopping and because of the low price, bought a cheapie last night at Best Buy. I had studied the t.v. sets that were on display very carefully but after bringing it home and opening it to try to get it to  work right, I had to return it tonight to get my entire purchase price back. I had bought an antenna to be able to see the t.v. if it came on but I never did get that far.  This unique t.v. did not have a user's guide in the set so I had to go online to get it, and that was such a hassle that I gave up on it immediately. I was able to get some information on screen but never a picture so decided I definitely would not want to deal with this any more.  So I had to take it back tonight and say that I will research them more carefully, and get a size larger even, and wait for the fourth of July sales, or a deal if one comes along for either Sony Bravia or Samsung SmartTV.  So I am back to trying to decide which t.v. will fit my needs the best.  What a chore!  So Now I will close this to look for both brands once more to decide which would be better for me. I like the price of the Samsung Smart T.V.  But do I really need all that stuff?  So I have to do some more research on this now.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Computers and Old Movie

The issue of computers is that I am still learning all that there is to know about this new computer which has been a joy to me. I love this system and all that I am learning. Granted, I did not take a course at Microsoft which is offered but I had no idea then that I would be entertaining the thoughts of writing books. I went back into the world of yesterday due to simple curiosity and no more.  But watching an old made for t.v. movie from France on the topic of Louis XIV made me recall my first adventures into past lifetimes.

The movie is in French language and I am not fluent in French at all, but I have a minor grasp of it. I can read it fairly well, with practice but listening and hearing is not my best so that I miss many things. I have been trying gradually to learn it as best I can through films and such but without a clue as to some words a lot passes right over my head.

However, I watched this film through to the end and was astounded at how well made it really is. I loved the costumes. One thing that impacted me in all my journeys to the past are the richness of the costumes, the materialized items that still remain somewhere for me to see and experience.

I always get a good look at the difference between so called history records and the experience of being in that place in the shoes of someone. In my case, I have always been in the lead characters, the King, and the General, or hero of these particular experiences. I have been inside the mind and heart of Louis XIV, Alexander, George Washington, and others who remain unnamed at this point.

How do I explain this?  Frankly, I don't even try any longer. It just happened as I asked who am I? And that is what I got.  Others can deal with it as they so choose, but I have given it serious study and while not really possessed by it, it has opened my eyes to the world in a way that I had not entertained before.

For many years, I had been more taken up with my spiritual powers which I had learned that I possessed so that when I finally uncovered these identities in spirit, I was able to assimilate them into my lifestyle without too much real  difficulty. I realized of course while watching the film of the number of men who had died while building the chateau that was the king's dream.  That is an oft over played drama that occurred then and I do not diminish the lives of the men who are martyrs for the king's design.  I thought probably many may be running for office in France today for all we know, or in America or other places.  Nobody can ever be sure what souls do when reborn.

But the thought crossed my mind and I put it here so that I don't forget my thoughts about this on this day.

This is a year in which France is celebrating the 400th birth of LeNotre who was the king's chief gardener.  I would like a chance to revisit Paris and the Chateau but don't know yet if I will or not. I have no plans for it at this moment.

One thing I learned is that it is good to learn of one's own past but one has this lifetime to live in which one has to deal with the present and current needs of the day, and while it is luxurious to dream and remember a past lifetime, it is just that- past and done with.

While watching the movie I thought of Egypt and the Valley of the Kings there.  Most European countries now use these past royals as tourist attractions so that the nations continue to thrive due to them.  Not all is lost for having been a king in a past lifetime for that country, but once the flesh is ripped away from you, you ascend into spirit to go into the next realm, and only a few ever are able to learn of past performances.

I do believe in myself, my personal revelations, and I am writing a book on Alexander at present, to be changed  constantly as I dwell on it.  I got the basic foundation laid out, but the book will probably look only vaguely similar to the original first draft.  I keep altering it all the time, developing ideas as I go along, and censoring and editing myself all the time as well.

For the historians who study the written history of these men's lives, not to worry about those of us who for some reason or other tap into other resources to learn about these personalities.  There is no conflict of interest here.  I am not interested in academia or scholarship regarding college studies.  I only use them as reference points and occasionally but seldom actually study them.  My spiritual knowledge suits me just fine, and I am not likely to engage in any study of any of the characters, leaving it to those who choose that topic for their own reasons and purposes.

I cannot speak for any but myself.  While I am very sure of my knowledge about "myself" I care not what others say at this point.  I have accepted the truth as it is given to me, do not believe that there is some karmic debt to pay, as reincarnationists believe, but so be it, I believe that life is natural and ruled by natural laws, not man's thinking whether true or false.

I liked this version of Louis XIV and found it to be quite full of dignity and self respect, which is how I believe each person should be characterized.  The actor chosen to play the role of Louis XIV did it with great respect, and I choose to like and appreciate that.

I did see the truth of how easy it is to see each person in history become the next person in history...through my eyes, of all makes sense to me...except for me being the one who has finally realized it all, as I see myself so totally different and yet the same.

I will ask you first, then I will tell you....a common denominator that I am aware of in all that I have been and am.